Looking for a fresh and motivating speaker to inspire change in your group? 

Nicole understands the latest nutrition research and will translate it into practical, take-away strategies that you group can use towards improving their health!

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Most Requested Topics

Craving Change: Discover The ‘Why’ Behind Your Cravings You know that you should be choosing that apple over that donut, so why do you choose the donut? This 4-part workshop helps you discover the ‘why’ behind your food choices. Throughout this series, you will discover the triggers for your food cravings and learn lasting strategies to mange your cravings.
Through this presentation, you will learn how to be strategic about healthy eating and learn the principals of eating smart while managing a busy professional life.
Learn strategies to best fuel for your games and tournaments for optimal performance.
We know that dieting doesn’t work. Instead, learn how to manage your weight with non-diet approaches, including mindful eating techniques, appetite regulation practices and more!


Are you exhausted by the end of the weekday and have no energy to make a hearty meal? This is a common problem in todays world! Let me offer a solution: meal prepping. Learn how to become a meal prep master through this workshop.


Bummed out my bloating? Gas got you down? Tummy troubles taking over you life? Wondering what the heck this causing these symptoms? You could be especially sensitive to certain foods called FODMAPS. Learn the basics of managing your symptoms through eating.
You are likely familiar with the abundance of research highlighting the benefits plant-based eating pattern.  Now, how do you start eating plant-based on your own? Through this presentation, I will highlight practical strategies, tips and recipes to get your started on a plant-based eating pattern.


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Looking to discuss the specific needs of your group with Nicole? Get in touch with her below!